Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck (2007)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Corin Nemec gives a harrowing performance as serial killer Richard Speck in this biopic from director Michael Feiffer. On July 14, 1966 Speck killed and raped eight student nurses. The movie goes back and forth through time, from his origins in Texas to him being married to him killing the nurses and also spending life in jail. I wouldn't say this movie is entertaining, per se, but I think a good representation of a serial killer (as was HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER). The most disturbing scene is at the end of the movie when events from a videotape found in 1995 is "re-inacted", showing a Richard Speck with breasts (he was taking female hormones), high on drugs and introducing his "jail bitch" to the camera. Eeeek.
The movie also features Andrew Divoff and Tony Todd as detectives and Debbie Rochon steals one of the better scenes of the movie.
Rating: 6.2 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total