Pretty cool oldie that has an engrossing plot that kept me from hitting the FFWD. An on the run plastic surgeon who's screwed up a couple of mugs here and there gets into the circus business by hook and crook. He turns the shabby run down circus into the real deal, but there is a price and a secret. All his performers formally led a life of crime, but he has changed their faces, in return they work under his big top. Our surgeon possesses a love for killing though and anyone who wants to leave soon has an 'accident'. The frequency and sheer number of accidents has earned the show the name of the Jinxed Circus as so many pretty females have died during shows. No one ever leaves the mad Dr.'s show, no one. This may be old, but it was pretty effective and had many wonderful performances and some hot ass looking chicks in skimpy costumes. I didn't see a lot of blood, but the intent was still cool. The faces on a few of these people before surgery looked fairly nasty and really the guy did do 'em a big favor. The side story of frustrated love and futile servitude added an element of human interest also. Hey, you have to love a movie where a guy gets killed while trying to dance with a bear while drunk. It was one of the cool British films from the late 50's and still holds up well today.