This is probably one of the most boring 'future' movies I've ever seen, basically a variance of THX-1138, though more in a present world setting. Tim Robbins, who is a part of the social elite, is investigating theft at a company. He finds out who the culprit is-but instead of turning her in to the authorities he ends up going out for dinner and eventually falling in love with her. She ends up getting pregnant, which is a 'no-no' because so many people in the future share the same genetic material. And because 50% of their DNA turns out to be identical, this means they are somehow related, most likely through a cloned embryo. This is what CODE 46 refers to, breaking this rule. She ends up having the baby aborted and the hospital erases her memory of the incident, even the man she had sex with-so she doesn't remember him at all the next time they meet. Then, she falls in love with him again, only to be in a car accident, after which they erase his memory of her. The one cool thing that I liked is that in this future society they've created viruses that, when taken into the body, can perform immediate tasks, like enabling the person to learnin a foreign language instantly. Other than this and some weird-looking tv monitors, everything looks as if it does in present day (and I'm sure this is supposed to be at least 100 years in the future).