Curse of the Puppet Master, The (1999)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is a rather needless installment of the PUPPET MASTER series (part 7?). Here, the puppets belong to this old puppeteer who bought the puppets at an auction years before. His daughter, just graduated from college, returns home in time to meet the new woodcarver her father just hired. This young man, called 'Tank' by the locals, is somewhat dimwitted but knows how to widdle very well.Well, the daughter falls in love with the new worker, and vice-versa, her father is trying to create more 'living puppets' through some weird process, and a few people are killed by the Blade puppet.It turns out that the father tried turning his previous assistant into a puppet and failed and now wants to transform 'Tank' into a puppet as well. He succeeds but much to his regret.This movie totally rips off the 70's movie SSSSSSSSS! on every plot point. Unbelievable. Written by Benjamin Carr, who is the pseudonym for someone not wanting their real name on a Full Moon Production and directed by Victoria Sloan, who is really Dave DeCoteau.
Rating: 9.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total