When I heard that they were making a new television series based on the original THE OMEN movie, my interest was piqued. Were they going to use that as a basis, include the sequels or "re-imagine" it? Well, it's a very mixed bag of ideas-and none are that great.
When we're first re-introduced to Damien, he's in his late twenties, working as a war photographer working in the Middle East. An old woman says something disturbing to him and he reconnects with an old girlfriend, who later dies, in a strange way, back in New York City. He's extremely mopey and has flashbacks to when he was a child. First, why have they even referenced the first movie? He's a five year old in the 70's, so wouldn't that make him in his 40's, at the very least? And no one has been guiding him and cultivating him to be Satan's representative on Earth? But the worst thing is that this guy is completely unthreatening and portrayed like a victim, which is the completely wrong way to go. Damien is supposed to cause the bad things that happen, not have them happen to him. At least with shows like BATES MOTEL, they do justice to the main character.