Movie Review by The Mortician
Camp Crystal lake is jinxed! It's definitely got a curse, because every FRIDAY THE 13th fan aspires to rip it off...Wow, DARK WOODS. Here's what we get: some camp counselors opening up a summer camp again for the first time in years after some killings happened there.New counselors on the way. A Crazy Ralph type of dude that warns everyone to 'stay away.' A killer running around in...get this...a hockey mask spraypainted a copper or green color, depending on how your TV color is set.And one by one, he hacks the cast up with his trusty machete til there's one girl left. And the Crazy Ralph dude joins in on the action...I think Victor Miller, the writer of FRIDAY THE 13th, would have a good plagarism suit against the guys that made this movie. I think they copied his script from the Net and just whited out the names of characters, inventing their own...The death scenes are ridiculous in this movie. Actor Kevin Bangos screams in alarm a good four seconds BEFORE the killer 'unexpectedly' sneaks up behind him and slashes his throat...and all the other 'action/gore' scenes are just as poorly executed.There's another scene where someone's head gets 'ripped off' and I don't know how they made that look so bad...the screen fades to red as this mannequin head goes flying up in the air...A word to the filmmakers: PUT DOWN YOUR CAMCORDERS AND RETURN TO YOUR BURGER FLIPPING JOBS IMMEDIATELY!
Rating: 1.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total