Although this movie was shot as two shorts two years apart (2000 & 2002), it stands as one complete tale. Written, Directed and Produced by Marc Trottier, who also stars as the lead, 'Cody', has created an indie horror movie that really stands up to the slew of 'home-grown' movies now being made with digital cameras.It is a 'Slasher', SCREAM-inspired tale of a group of guys being attacked by an insane killer-who really turns out to be a guy escaped from the local mental institution. Cody ends up killing him at the end of the first movie, looking very much the insane killer himself. Part 2 (2002) continues with events one yearlater, where he's recuperating and is befriended by the brother from the killer in the first movie. Does the insanity run in the family?The first plus is Trottier himself, who is quite a good actor (you can also see him as one of the main characters in the recent movie DECOYS). The rest of the movie is well cast, the acting naturalistic-and there's never a point where you want to push the fast-forward button on the DVD player. DARKNESS duo is a great example of how to make a well-produced, ultra-independent, low-budget movie.