This is a genuinely creepy movie, though not quite as good as the recent remake of THE RING.In the town of Darkness Falls there's the legend of a hideously burned woman wrongly accused of killing some kids in the 1800's-and she's lynched. She used to give the children in the town coins for their lost baby teeth-but before she's hanged she curses the town. It turns out she didn't murder the kids after all. In present day, when a woman's younger brother starts having 'night terrors' and is terrified of the dark, saying 'She's going to get him', the woman contacts a childhood friend who had experienced the same sort of phobia. But in his case his mother was killed and he's still terrified of the dark, because he knows as soon as he's in the shadows the old 'tooth fairy' will kill him. So together the reunited friends and the kid must somehow defeat the evil entity. The big showdown happens at the town's lighthouse. This movie is probably the beginning of a horror franchise and as a villain the tooth fairy compares well with Freddy or The Shape.