Day of the Triffids (1962)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
So just what exactly is a triffid you may ask? Hell if I know, some kinda crazy man-eating killer plant from the looks of it in this silly older sci-fi horror film. A meteor shower causes all kinds of problems here. The shower blinds people on earth and plants start killing. These plants it seems came to earth via a previous meteor shower and this second shower triggers the strange plants into growing, moving, and killing. Pretty cool movie at times, but kinda boring at others. I liked the way the creepy looking plants move and attack, but really, couldn't we just run? Guess the blindness thing was thrown in to give the plants a chance. In the end, humanity, what's left of it here, smartens up and burns the damn plants. Not a bad movie for its time, but I really had hoped for more, since so many call this a classic.
Rating: 9.8 out of 10.0 - 11 votes cast total