Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is an impressive horror movie, particularly in that it does something unique with the overdone zombie genre. A young couple, gone for several days camping up in the mountains, return to civilization to find most people dead and many transformed into zombies. They take refuge at an abandoned military facility where there's already a group of survivors, ranging from a porn queen and her daughter to a used car salesman.
It turns out that a passing comet is responsible for all the mayhem—and the undead. In fact, the comet has carried with it some type of spore, which is responsible for the zombie infection. The zombies are all growing an alien organism within them.
DAYS OF DARKNESS is a cross between NIGHT OF THE COMET, DAY OF THE TRIFFIDS and any Romero LIVING DEAD movie. Highly recommended, one of the best horror movies of 2008 so far.
Directed by Jake Kennedy
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total