Movie Review by The Cryptkeeper
To bee or not to bee, that is the question... or should the question bee watch or not to watch. Tough call. While this isn't the best killer insect flick on the market, it is not the worst. I watched and waited for the people to start dying, and I figured some would at the end. I was wrong.... very few deaths that I recall. My man Striker (Robert Hays) was in it, bro was on, didn't slip (shameless pilfering from Airplane). The ending was like the goofy SNL skit, Nude House of Wacky People. Some bees... how'd they get there?... no time for wondering... father must fight the bees. And then the bees leave. WTF? They were just like bad house guests. They came in, messed everything up and then left. Did they move on? Was there a honey sale at Wal-Mart...who knows. The most important questions I have about this flick are, why didn't Gina Philips get naked..and why didn't the bees take Ryan Phillipe with them when they left?
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