Deep Dark Woods, The (2003)
Movie Review by The Undertaker
Hey, it started off with a nice little lesbian tryst, then the chicks get knocked off, so it had my attentions for a few. Thing is the movie was shot on video making the woods scenes look like complete shit. Don't know why, but shooting on digi-cam in a forest setting always looks shitty to me. There's no definition in the trees or leaves, just looks like a green blur. Course, didn't look like this was shot much further in the woods than the edge of somebody's back yard. Despite the budgeted drawbacks, it was kinda fun, had some tits, ample gory deaths, and just enough silliness to make you keep watching. My biggest complaint was the look of the shoot. Basically, some crazy ass ranger is busting ass on anyone breaking the rules of the forest in his jurisdiction. Various 'rule breakers' die after committing infractions. By the end, we have quite the little body count and one poor bastard lucky enough to have made it... until the sequel that is. I liked the way over-the-top, silly gore FX, next to the girl-on-girl, this was the film's strength. If you can get past the crappy look of it, which I finally did, you'll enjoy getting lost in The Deep Dark Woods. The 60-minute running time really ain't enough either.
Rating: 5.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total