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Deep Red (1975)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Deep Red (1975) My how time passes. Dario Argento Phase II, I suppose, kind of a Giallo approach to Hitchcock and DePalma territory. This one doesn't hold up nearly as well as TENEBRE for me, it's interesting but a bit bland, talky, and boring. Art house horror with no characters you can really relate to in any way, good or bad. A pianist witnesses a psychic get killed in her apartment (and if she was such a good psychic...why didn't she see THAT coming?!?!). Said pianist gets obsessed with "solving the case" so he teams up with a nosy female reporter to expose the murderer in true Hardee Boy-Nancy Drew style (really dated badly here). Red herring characters the artist knows abound and there's a double twist ending with mother and son killers that felt like deja vu as in SCREAM 2...Hope Kevin Williamson is mailing Argento royalty checks here. There's some over-the-top murder scenes that are decent and still work today, such as a boiling water to the face bit, a dude getting dragged along by a truck, and some stabbings. The big ending that involved a necklace, an elevator, and a head being lopped off falls short on the money shot of the decapitation itself. There's a PSYCHO bit with a mummified body being discovered and again, the movie kind of drags and seems to take too long to get to the action. Cool GOBLIN score but a little too peppy with fast beats when not much is happening at all. Slick, arty, talky, some gore, no sex or nudity (HUGE disappointment there) but has its place in horror history if viewed in the perspective of when this came out.

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