Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This is a cheap version of THE ABYSS. A rift has opened on the ocean floor in the arctic, which is warming the water and causing the ice cap to melt at an accelerated rate. If it isn't stopped 90% of the land will be underwater in a matter of years. A sea lab tries to fire missiles to block it but are attacked by these huge electric eels. Everyone is killed. Another group of people is sent to investigate, led by David Keith (SABERTOOTH). He, of course, used to have a relationship with the woman scientist. There's also a really irritating bad guy who really deserves what happens to him. Instead of aliens, like in the ABYSS, the intelligent creatures are these giant electric eels, who have awakened from a long dormancy. They want to flood the earth to make way for their offspring.
Rating: 3.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total