The first episode brings us up to speed with what's currently happening with all four characters from the Netflix Series-Jessica Jones, Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. It's slow going in the first three episodes but picks up when we find out more about SIgourney Weaver's villain, Alexandra, who seems to have had a very long life. In fact, she's one of the founding members of The Hand and may be a thousand years old. We're also introduced to the other four founding members of The Hand and one of them is a surprise although we've seen him in one of the other Marvel Netflix series. The ending is anticlimactic as they end up using explosives to finish their task. Their super powers seem completely unnecessary as to what's going on and what needs to be done in order to save New York City. On the plus side, Kristin Ritter's Jessica Jones is hilarious and it's a very cool revelation where the Hands' regenerative power comes from.
However, each of these character's solo series are much better.