Demon Resurrection (2008)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
DEMON RESURRECTION is a completely different type of movie than director Bill Hopkin's previous SLEEPLESS NIGHTS.
The film starts off with a group of friends visiting Grace, with the intention of doing an "intervention" on her, as they all think she's on drugs. Ever since she started dating a guy named John her health has deteriorated. But John is the one protecting her from an old guy named Toth, head of an evil cult Grace belonged to. She's been feeling ill ever since something horrible was done to her by Toth, something that's going to come to fruition that very night.
Toth warns the group of friends to leave before nightfall, when he mounts an attack on the isolated house by resurrecting long dead corpses that look like those zombies from the BLIND DEAD movies. From that point on it's sort of like H.P. Lovecraft meets NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD. Yet, somehow, Toth's plans go all awry…
The movie has an immediacy to it, the acting realistic and it's always good to see actor Joe Zaso as one of the bad guys, in this case as Toth's driver/henchman. I especially liked those zombies, as it gave the movie a 70's feel to it. Yes, it's ANOTHER recent zombie movie but it's a good one. Recommended.
Website: www.demonresurrection.com
Rating: 9.2 out of 10.0 - 9 votes cast total