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Devil Inside, The (2012)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Devil Inside, The (2012) If you're hip to the shaky-cam atmosphere of reality camcorder movies like THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT morphed with sort of an EXORCIST/PARANORMAL ACTIVITY vibe, then you won't mind THE DEVIL INSIDE, another recent movie to take a spot in the endless parade of demonic possession movies. This one follows a daughter's journey (all caught on camera by a videographer she hires to follow her around) as she goes to Rome to visit her mother. Mom was allegedly possessed ten years prior and killed three people---including two priests and a nun---during an exorcism gone wrong. Is she REALLY possessed? Why won't the Catholic Church help if she really is? Why is mom being held in a mental asylum in Rome, where professional exorcists are trained? Daughter Isabelle teams up with two renegade priests that do exorcisms not endorsed by the church, and of course they end up screwing around with dear Mother and they find out that *SPOILER* there's not just ONE demon inside her...but LEGIONS (or many) of them. This one has some nice jump scares in it and the contortionist attributes of the possessed individuals make those sequences intense to watch (especially a bit with limbs coming out of their sockets---OUCH!!!) but the acting wasn't as strong as it could have been by the three main players, especially the priests. Sometimes this one felt like a real amateur effort, but I still had a good time watching it. THE DEVIL INSIDE is also peppered with some truly nasty moments, including one where a priest baptizing an infant nearly drowns it in church, so there's no shortage of religion twisted into evil mayhem in this one. The ending was rather abrupt and...well, BLAIR WITCH-ish again, but...if you're a fan of the reality doc narrative and enjoy possession movies, you'll probably get a jolt or two out of this one.

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