This serial killer movie begins with a shot of the city as we hear telephone conversations from a help hotline. One of these calls is from "John" (Tyler Mane of Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN), who says he doesn't want to release what's inside him--and we then see he has a woman, Sam imprisoned in his house. Then, we're introduced to a young woman who works at "Here for You Crisis Center". We find out that the reason she works there is that she was a victim at one time--and that she's also blind. It's her last night and she's paired up with a new employee. John calls and another operator picks up the call, telling him that it's Sam's last day and that she can help him instead. He freaks out to such an extent that he goes to their building and takes out his anger in a very fatal way.
This movie is just okay, very much a middle-of-the-road horror flick, with a few horror actors, like Tracy Lords and Tyler Mane to bring in the audience but not enough originality or gore to make it memorable.