This is one of the best horror movies made in the 21st Century, a throwback to those gritty 70's killer maniac movies like THE HILLS HAVE EYES and LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT. Although it's a direct sequel to HOUSE OF A 1,000 CORPSES, this takes place much more in the 'real world'-and the leads are put through hell as they try to avoid the evil Sheriff (William Forsythe of RELENTLESS 2, TV's JOHN DOE) who's hot on their bloody trail. It also has a phenomenal cast of cult/genre actors such as Geoffrey Lewis (NIGHT OF THE COMET, SALEM'S LOT (original tv version)), Ken Foree (DAWN OF THE DEAD, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE 3)-- and even a cameo by a very plump PJ Soles (HALLOWEEN), who portrays an unlucky innocent bystander. The first half of the movie is the unholy trio making their escape from the authorities-and killing people along the way. The second half involves the sheriff and his hired goons finding out where they are, then capturing and torturing them. What also helps in making the movie unsettling is the soundtrack, 70's hits, which is at odds with the images the audience is shown. The ending is GREAT--I doubt any further sequels could be made with these characters. THE DEVIL'S REJECTS is highly recommended by this reviewer.