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Devil's Rejects, The (2005)
Movie Review by The Cryptkeeper

Devil's Rejects, The (2005) Texas sheriff John Wydell (William Forsythe) seeks vengeance against his brother's creepy murderers in this Western-flavored sequel to Rob Zombie's House of 1,000 Corpses. Wydell enlists the aid of two vigilante brothers, and the posse heads out to the Firefly homestead to take down Otis (Bill Moseley), Baby (Sherri Moon), Tiny and Captain Spaulding (Sid Haig) once and for all. -netflix

The murdering family, dubbed as The Devil's Rejects, is run from their home in a bloody shootout. This sends them on the road in their attempt to escape the now blood thirsty sheriff that wants to bring them to justice... good old fashioned frontier justice. Along the way, they encounter a group of unwitting victims at a sleazy motel that are brutalized by the family which puts the fun in disfunctional. Their quest then leads them to a shanty town centered by a whorehouse run by one of their running buddies played by Ken Foree.

This is one of the best horror movies I have seen in recent history. It had a gritty, 70's flair that you just don't see enough of these days. The dialog was great, enhanced by the always looney and creepy Bill Mosely. He should be in every horror movie, as should Sid Haig. His Captain Spaulding will likely spawn a whole new group of people who are creeped out by evil clowns. One of the best parts was the choice in musical soundtrack. I am not a huge fan of classic rock, but the way they intertwined, out of place old rock hits from the 70's during scenes of brutality was great. The special effects, while limited, where very well done... with lots of the red stuff flowing.

Not only is Rob Zombie a brilliant musician, but he is really shining as a horror filmmaker these days. You have to respect the old school nature of his films, as he doesn't go for the hip, mainstream, teeny bopper bullshit that is so prevelant in horror. A must see for anyone that is into horror flicks.

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