Another awesome film from Ulli Lommel, it combines witches, curses, tittys, and some decent killings-off. This movie has incredible cinematography and is a joy to watch. The look reminds me of Fulci's House by the Cemetery for some reason, just has that same cool look to it. Easy film to plot, but it does have some great moments. The scene early on of the witch getting rolled on the burning wheel is as brutal as anything I have seen lately. When I say rolled, I mean the woman is tied to the wheel, is set aflame, and then the whole shit gets rolled downhill with said witch as the tire. It was hard. Devonsville also has the great Donald Pleasence playing a Dr. of course, though his role is small and subdued (as subdued as he can be anyway). He's got worms crawling out of his damn arm if that turns you on. Three wrongly accused 'witches' burned years ago in the township of Devonsville, now in the present three ladies from out of town arrive in Devonsville, a place that's superstitious. You can pretty much guess the outcome. Still, it was very entertaining to view and the schoolteacher babe sheds the threads a few times. We got rape, we got murder, and we get face melting here. Did I mention exploding heads? Guess I just did. The film is both brutal and beautiful, make any sense? Lommel created another great movie here that shocks and entertains like it should be done. If you dig the occult and witchcraft flicks, you'll do much worse and few better, especially in terms of showcasing how misguided fears result in bloodshed. It had blood and boobs too, so there.