Movie Review by The Gravedigger
This ABC Television 'mega' series is based on the two Dinotopia books written by James Gurney. This is a huge island where dinosaurs (who have intelligence) managed to survive the ice-age and where they live in harmony with all the humans who had shipwrecked on the island during the past thousands of years. This Disney produced series uses this premise and comes up with a whole new story that takes place with present day characters (the books take place in late 1800's). The first two hours are somewhat painful--stereotypical characters with stereotypical problems (two half-brothers that are opposites, who don't get along, who like the same girl)--but the movie picks up in the 2nd and 3rd parts when they are acclimated in to the dinosaur friendly society and we are introduced to the different facets of the various cities. The cgi effects are extremely well-done, though I could have done without the obligatory 'cutesy' characters Disney always seems to think they need for the kiddies (the talking birds and Zippo, the nerdly dinosaur). What really makes it worth watching are the scenes with the pteranodons. If you need a dinosaur fix you won't be disappointed.
Rating: 7.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total