In this new season actor Matt Smith takes over reigns as "the Last Timelord" from David Tennant. In the first episode the Doctor crash lands the Tardis in Scotland soon after his regeneration and meets child Amelia Pond. He tells her he'll be back soon but when he returns years have gone by and she's a young woman, about to get married. She had thought that he was an imaginary friend all these years and is both thrilled--and angry--that he has returned. He rescues her from a creature that's been living in her house. She becomes his new companion.Then, on their first adventure, THE BEAST BELOW, go to a thousand years in the future where all the nations of the Earth have fled into space to avoid solar flares. The United Kingdom, though, doesn't seem to have an engine, yet it still moves through space. They learn that they have enslaved a huge creature called a "space whale" and that is what's propelling the massive craft. At the end of the episode the Doctor gets a call on his telephone and it's Winston Churchill, requesting help. However, when they get there it's a month later and England's leader has found a possible solution to defeating the Nazi threat. He reveals this to be the Daleks, which he insists a human scientist has created. It's an interesting episode which again keeps the Daleks as one of the Doctors most threatening enemies. Then the "Weeping Angels", aliens featured in the very creepy BLINK episode from a few years ago, return. They look like human sized statues of angels but move when you aren't looking at them. As with many of the doctor who episodes, it combines sci-fi with horror.
Another two-parter is when they visit a small town in Wales and are trapped near a facility that has drilled a 21 mile hole into the Earth. This has disturbed something and some local residents are pulled beneath the Earth, as is Amy. They soon discover that the creatures responsible are the former lords of the Earth, the Silurians, a race of intelligent lizards. Very cool, as it's like a 50's B Movie. In VINCENT & THE DOCTOR, The Doctor and Amy go to visit Vincent Van Gogh after seeing a recent art exhibit. ALthough there is an ugly monster, it's a touching episode in its depiction of the mentally tortured artist.
There's a continuing threat through all the episodes, that there is a crack in the universe that is getting larger. At one point, when the Doctor reaches into it he pulls out a destroyed piece of The Tardis--which suggests that he's responsible for the oncoming disaster. River Song, who seems to be a long interest from the Doctor's future, appears and is instrumental in helping the Doctor set things back to normal. I must say that I really like Matt Smith in the lead, as I do Karen Gillan as Amy Pond . This season has a great mixture of episodes and a solid story line. This show keeps on getting better and better.