Movie Review by The Gravedigger
I had high hopes for this giant-monster movie after seeing the trailer. High hopes. Unfortunately, you are better off just watching the trailer than having to endure through this plodding mess.
Not only is there narration at the beginning which explains the story, there's a flashback within a flashback at the beginning of the film as well, which takes up far too much time. It also takes away from the action/story taking place in the present.
Unfortunately, there's no time for characterization or even clear thinking. A large part of the story is that this huge serpent, an Imoogi, is supposed to consume the power from the young woman. It's HUGE, its head the size of a bus. Yet it can never catch up to their speeding away car--and even when it does catch up to them it pauses for too long and they miraculously get away.
The special effects are top-notch and I particularly liked that final battle with the dragons at the end. Perhaps when the DVD is released they'll cut out all those boring parts with the actors and just have a 45 minute effects sequence. Now that I could recommend...
Rating: 5.4 out of 10.0 - 5 votes cast total