Movie Review by The Gravedigger
The premise centers around Marshall Teller (Omri Katz) who recently moves to the town with his family. He becomes friends with a kid named Simon, and together they have lots of experiences. For each tale told they keep a memento and put it in their 'Museum of Weird', which is up in the attic.
Still, there is lots of weirdness. In the first episode, the two friends discover that a neighbor who sells a tupperware like container called 'Foreverware' is keeping herself and her twin sons forever young by sleeping in giant containers at night. That one is creepy. In another, Henry Gibson portrays a guy who is in charge of The Department of Lost, where all lost things go. In another episode, Mike Judge (director of OFFICE SPACE and IDIOCRACY) is a werewolf. And in another a mummy comes to life from the television set. John Astin (ADAMS FAMILY, father of the hobbit) portrays the owner of the local department store.
Joe Dante was the creative consultant and he also directs some of the episodes.
I think they were going for that Sid and Marty Croft feel but it doesn't quite get there. Still, if you haven't seen it the show is worth checking out.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total