This apocalyptic movie takes place in the middle of the 22nd Century. Earth is overcrowded and very few people have jobs. Max (Matt Damon) is one of the "lucky" employed, but gets a fatal dose of radioactivity on his job. They let him go, give him a week's worth of pills to deal with the pain, and wish him good luck. Yet there is a cure for his predicament. Earth's privileged live on a huge space station in orbit, Elysium, and they can cure virtually any disease. It's just a matter of him getting up there without getting shot down.
Max rekindles a friendship with a childhood friend, Frey, who has a sick daughter. She can't get the healthcare she needs and will die. It's something that can be easily cured on Elysium. So Max puts together a plan. He agrees to do an illegal job for a former employer, and gets fitted with an exoskeleton that's grafted onto his body. Now, he just has to hijack a ship that's going to the station. In his way is Kruger, a cybernetic soldier who is doing the bidding of Delacourt (Jodie Foster), a ruthless woman who plans to take over the station.
I didn't quite like this as much as the director's first movie, DISTRICT 9, but it is entertaining and has equally decent special effects.