Christian Bale (AMERICAN PSYCHO, REIGN OF FIRE) portrays a government appointed 'cleric' whose job it is is to hunt down and kill individuals who feel emotion. He lives in a future world where everyone is forced to take a drug which basically eliminates human feelings. Their society believes this will also remove mankind's desire to go to war.On the outskirts of the city are the normal humans, who the clerics hunt down on a normal basis. And if anyone within the city is discovered not taking the daily inhibitors they are put to death by being burnt alive.Bale accidently drops his morning pill down the sink-and fails to get a replacement. Then, the next time he is supposed to take one he doesn't-until he starts feeling how he never has before. At the point he starts stashing the pills behind his bathroom medicine cabinet. He has to be careful though, because even his two young children may report him to the authorities if they discover this. Bale eventually sides with the rebels in an effort to topple this cold society.Sure, the movie has elements of the classic novels BRAVE NEW WORLD and 1984, so it seems familiar.Yet, this movie is worth seeing simply for the action sequences, which I found extremely unique. In these scenes where the main character kills others, it's as if he does so with the minimum of movement. It's almost the opposite of that 'Matrix' effect. Very cool.