What a weird, wonderfully awful movie from the 80's! It begins with a spaceship, which looks like stock footage of a space shuttle from the original BATTLESTAR GALACTICA series, hurtling through space. Then, a completely different shaped craft, which looks like a disco ball, lands in a forest on earth near a teenagers' "make-out point". The horny teenagers, who all look like they are in their 30's, have sex. In fact, while one guy is taking a woman from behind he's strangled to death by the aliens. These aliens, led by John Carradine, Julie Newmar and Tina Louise (Ginger from GILLIGAN'S ISLAND), need human blood platelets in order to extend their lifespans by hundreds of years. They've taken over a local hospital, where they take the kidnapped teenagers to. They've also hired two dimwitted auto mechanics, Kurt (Neville Brand) and Fred (Aldo Ray), to abduct the kids for their research. The aliens pay them in gold coin. Of course, the aliens are foiled in the end when a group of teens escape and kill one of the henchmen. And as the aliens take off their spacecraft (backwards footage of the same stock shot at the beginning) fires a laser and kills the other murderer.
The closest thing I can compare this to is a Ted V. Mikels movie gone awry. There's an out-take reel that is missing the audio but you can tell the lead actors were n none too happy being in this film. Directed by Mohammed Rustam, who co-wrote Tobe Hooper's Eaten Alive (1977). Recommended--and entertaining--if you know what to expect.