Evolution: The Animated Movie (2002)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
As with the American version of Godzilla, the animated adventures of these characters are far superior than those in the motion picture.The alien threat, referred to as 'The Genus', returns soon after its presumed defeat and starts evolving into an assortment of strange creatures in the small Arizona town. Returning are the worms, insects and dinosaur looking-aliens. Dr. Ira Kane and his colleagues attack them with the same selenium compound, only this time they are becoming immune to it. So he has to keep on coming up with new variations of the formula. The alien life form also takes on a sentient incarnation, which looks like a cross between an octopus and a demon. This creature (in at the first few episodes) tells the humans that they are going to be defeated, et cetera. As 'The Genus' is continually moving and they are unable to destroy it all at once, Ira Kane creates a creature to track down the scent. This is a sort of alien bloodhound called 'Gassie', which is like Gleep from the HERCULOIDS, only with three eyes. Its name is self explanatory. The tone of EVOLUTION is more suited towards a cartoon, which I think is why it is so much better than its predecessor.
Rating: 10.0 out of 10.0 - 1 vote cast total