Ewok Adventure, The (1984)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
I remember not really liking this movie when I saw it twenty years ago and upon re-viewing I still don't like it. It's not as horrendous as the infamous STAR WARS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL but it's close.Lucas probably thought it was a good idea to come out with this made-for-tv movie after RETURN OF THE JEDI when he should have just left those Ewoks alone. They're the most fake looking aliens in the entire STAR WARS universe, with those unblinking eyes, unmoving mouths and baggy teddy-bear like costumes. A family (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter) crash lands on Endor and the kids are separated from the parents and have to find them. The kids encounter the Ewoks and the teenaged boy is reluctant to get their help. After fighting this huge 'watch-dog' type creature they discover that the parents are being held by this giant called the Gorax. They must travel to the mountains, an area where the Ewoks never go. In the lair of the creature they encounter a fake looking giant spider (you can see the cables holding it up). There's an encounter with the giant Gorax that reminded me of JACK AND THE BEANSTALK, which I'm sure was its inspiration. The weird thing is, it looks like the actor portraying the Gorax is just wearing a mask-you can see his normal skin behind the clear-cut eyeholes in the close-up shots when he's looking at the caged parents. EWOK ADVENTURE still remains a bad memory...
Rating: 5.5 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total