"F" is pretty much "Ils" (a.k.a. "Them") or "The Strangers", only in a school. Can't say I'm on board with all the negative "buzz" surrounding this flick, though it definately isn't the BEST thing out there...
After getting head-butted by a student that he demoralized in front of his class, a teacher-turned alcoholic, returns after an eleven month hiatus. His estranged daughter has it in for him after giving her detention and smacks her across her bitchy face. Bad turns to worse for the after-hours crew when a gang of hooded miscreants invade the school and kill off the remaining incumbents.
For the most part I enjoyed "F" for some fairly suspenseful moments and to-the-point pacing. Of course, every death scene is off-screen which is a total crock of shit (though I did like the aftermath of the one chick's crowbar beat down. Damn!). That's one main gripe I've heard about the film and the other obvious being the fact that the identities of the hooded attackers is never revealed. I'm in agreement. Thought they could've tied in some kind clever disclosure, but they went and dropped the ball as far as that's concerned. Also, the score is bad-ass. Kinda reminded me of Goblin.
For a short (70-some minutes) slasher flick, "F" is worth checking out... Mildly recommended.