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Female Vampire (1973)
Movie Review by The Mortician

Female Vampire (1973) Jess Franco "classic vampire" film starring his favorite actress and common-law wife, Lina Romay. Not sure what the plot was here, other than spotlighting the very young, beautiful, and sultry Ms. Romay wandering around the lovely Brussels countryside in her birthday suit and sucking not the blood of various victims, but their souls, through various sexual activities. Definitely more of a stylized fetish movie than a vampire flick with a plot. Franco become famous for this more stylized softcore approach of moviemaking in favor of traditional plot and acting. There is a Van Helsing type that is after Ms. Romay in the proceedings, and they end up coupling at the end of the movie and he is accidentally killed, much to the vampire's disdain...well, I use the term vampire loosely, only because it's in the title, but really, she's a soulsucker. Ms. Romay is lovely to look at in this film and was just starting out at the tender age of eighteen, so no complaints on the main production value of Lina in the buff, that's for sure. She "soulsucks" men, women, and has long solo interludes in a hotel bed and bathtub. Otherwise, production values are scant and there's not much going on in the picture, but Ms. Romay sizzles when she's onscreen and really seems to be enjoying herself in the best of voyeuristic ways. I will say the music score to this movie is plain awful, so feel free to turn the sound down (there's no dialogue that actually matters and most cuts are subtitled) and substitute your own favorite music as you watch---it's much more enjoyable that way! According to Lina Romay, Franco went into production on this film after winning the Christmas Lottery(!), shooting various pieces of footage before Eurocine, the financier and distributor, came on board. This film exists in many different versions, with various titles, additional and/or deleted footage and even with different credits, although the credit discrepancy is largely due to variations of Franco' s pseudonyms. The versions range from hardcore porn (which I haven't seen and unfortunately wasn't available through Netflix Streaming) with very little horror on the one extreme to plain horror with little sex on the other. There was a recent DVD and Blu release from Blu Underground on this bad boy, so for fans of sexy eroticism, Franco, or Lina Romay...it's a must. All others...please use caution.

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