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Flicker (2009)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger

Flicker (2009) The movie begins with a strange stage performer talking, which made me think it was a dream--and I was right. A young couple wakes up in the middle of the night during a camping trip to find their two friends missing--and there's lots of blood on the remains of their shredded tent. They think a bear got them, so they trudge back to their car to find it unable to start. So they start walking. When they come to the first car who stops it's a policeman, or so he tells them. He locks them in his car for hours, then later kills the guy with a big pick ax. You see, there's a crazy family living in the woods and he's one of them.

The girl escapes and then passes out--and someone cuts off all her long brown hair with a pair of scissors, so she's walking around like a victim of BLUE SUNSHINE for the second half of the movie. When she comes to a house in the woods--the house of the crazy family that's abducting and torturing people--she finds a razor and shaves her head totally bald, which makes her look as crazy at the insane family. By this time, though, she's ready to kick some ass.

Although I wish there was more blood and guts, as special effects are minimal for what you'd expect in this type of movie, FLICKER is a cool take on the whole "killer family in the woods preying on innocent victims" sub-genre. It is a great example of the well-directed and acted independent "slasher movie".

Read the recent interview with director Aaron Hendren in the interview section of buried.com.

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