At times, this movie "based on real events" is heavy-handed, particularly when actress Milla Jovovich introduces herself at the beginning, saying she's portraying Dr. Abbey Tyler, who had these experiences. Then it goes to the story, which sometimes also has the "documentary" footage played alongside the re-created movie scene. The scenes in which her patients are hypnotized and relive their abduction experiences are creepy and dramatic. It's like a scene out of the EXORCIST, with them even speaking ancient Sumerian. And Will Patton always gives a good performance, here as Sheriff August, who thinks that the Doctor may be responsible for her patients' odd behavior. The movie also explains why the UFO abductees never remember the abduction experiences--if they do, they go crazy or kill themselves because it's so horrible an event to relive.
The one thing I had problems with is that the real Abbey Tyler and the Milla Jovovich Abbey Tyler are very different in both appearance, voice and demeanor, and I think it's a bit of miscasting, as I always associate the actress with strong roles, like in the RESIDENT EVIL flicks. Still, if you're a fan of alien abduction movies you should enjoy this. What PARANORMAL ACTIVITY is to evil spirits, THE FOURTH KIND is to aliens.