Frankenstein vs. The Creature from Blood Cove (2003)
Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Homage to those Universal monster movies like HOUSE OF DRACULA and HOUSE OF FRANKENSTEIN, complete in black and white. In fact, it's almost exactly like an Al Adamson movie.
The premise is that a mad scientist, Dr. Lazaroff (Larry Butler) has created a biological hybrid between a man and a barracuda, basing his work on that of Victor Frankenstein. But something goes wrong and he's not able to control the creature. So he goes to Transylvania to uncover the original creature, who is conveniently buried in a grave next to the old Frankenstein castle. Of course, this monster doesn't want to be controlled either. There's also a side-story about a cheesecake photographer whose models keep on being attacked by the sea creature. The fight scenes between the monsters are a bit goofy, though in retrospect not that different than in Universal's FRANKENSTEIN VS THE WOLFMAN, which is weird because there's plenty of nudity in the movie.
The makeup and costumes are surprisingly good. FRANKENSTEIN looks like the underwater zombie that fights the shark in Fulci's ZOMBIE and the Creature looks more like a SLEESTAK. My favorite monster was the Wolfman. Writer David Gerrold (THE TROUBLE WITH TRIBBLES, WAR WITH THE CHTORR trilogy!) has a humorous, one minute cameo.