This is a new supernatural TV show about a gated community, a town, actually, that includes various supernatural neighbors, from witches to vampires to werewolves. There are certain rules they have to obey, namely, not killing each other and living in peace. Basically, the community protects them from the outside world, which is a dangerous place for these creatures. The story begins with the arrival of the new police chief, Captain Monaghan, who comes from Chicago along his wife and son, Charlie, and daughter. It's a big adjustment for everyone. But the police chief thinks something is up with the whole town, but can't put his finger on it. At the end of the first episode they discover that the former chief has been murdered--and it looks to be by wolves.
A handyman is injured and resident Claire (Rhona Mitra of RISE OF THE LYCANS) offers to help him. But when she sees his blood she can't resist and drains him dry. This really upsets her husband, Dylan. Basically, Claire is like an alcoholic who can't stay sober. But they had adopted a human child to raise and this could jeopardize them all. Of course, Chief Monaghan investigates the disappearance.
Monaghan's son, Charlie, has a crush on cut girl Andie Bates. But Andie is dating Brett, the football jock. Oh, and Brett is a werewolf. Things become more complicated when it's revealed that Andie's mother was a succubus--and she might have those same soul sucking abilities. Brett is having anger issues, trashing the restrooms at school, and begins to run with a pack of werewolves who sneak out of boundaries of The Gates at night. There's also a few witches in town, including the blonde Devon (Chandra West of WHITE NOISE). Devon and Claire are clearly enemies.
Basically, THE GATES is DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES meets DARK SHADOWS. After the first three episodes I'm not quite decided if I'm hooked on it yet....