Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Demi Moore portrays Rachel Carlson, a best-selling author who has recently lost her five-year-old son in an accidental drowning. Eight months later she decides to rent out a small, isolated cottage in Scottland in order to finish writing her new book. She starts to see her son's ghost, although that may entirely be her imagination. She also befriends the nearby lighthouse keeper-and soon has a relationship with him. One day she's supposed to meet him in town, at a birthday party for one of the locals, but when he doesn't show up-and she asks other people about him-they seem puzzled, and tell her that he died five years before in a tragic incident. She thinks they're playing some sort of game with her-but she goes back to the lighthouse and finds no one living there. Is she going crazy or is she seeing ghosts? Or is something else going on?HALF LIGHT is half supernatural ghost story, half mystery, and not nearly as good as Moore's GHOST from a decade before. The 'twist' ending was rather obvious and the movie turned out exactly how you think it would. I give the movie an 'okay'.
Rating: 2.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total