Halloween IV: The Return Of Michael Myers (1988)
Movie Review by The Mortician
Old Pasty Face is back after a seven year absence! While Jason and Freddy ran amok on the silver screen, poor Mike Myers was shelved for a long spell...I liked this movie. The revamped music score was great by Alan Howarth. The direction was in the spirit of the first two films, done by the very capable Dwight Little. And the acting wasn't bad, either. Plus it was great to see Myers and Pleasence facing off on the screen again...The story? Well, plot holes aside (the explosion that Pleasence was in at the end of Part 2 only damaged him to the extent of some silly putty on one side of his face and hand!), it's not too bad. Myers ecapes again, only to track down his long-lost twelve-year-old niece in Haddonfield, played with zeal by newcomer Danielle Harris.His mission: kill her! Harris was a tremendous child actor and really shows a decent range, without getting annoying. She went on to do episodic television and movies like Urban Legend and is still a hit on the convention circuit.The violence harks back to the orginal Halloween and the suspense, while no part 1 & 2, is credible. Plus, Miss Hot Panties (Kathleen Kinmont, from RENEGADE and BRIDE OF THE RE-ANIMATOR) is a real doll to drool over here!The ending is terrific, ashame the series ignored the direction things could have taken!
Rating: 8.4 out of 10.0 - 8 votes cast total