Next to UNREST, this is the best of the "EIGHT FILMS TO DIE FOR" series. The movie starts off like a coming-of-age drama, told from the point of view of a sixteen year old boy who is missing his parents, who died some years earlier. His oldest brother tries to keep the pretense of a family up but his other siblings, The Twins, do what they wish - which eventually involve torturing and killing some people. Why does this family keep on moving across the country, from house to house? Why do they kidnap and keep victims tied up in their basement? And what creature is barricaded in the basement room, something they have to feed blood and meat to?
THE HAMILTONS keeps you interested - and guessing as to what's really going on - the entire duration of the movie. And while the ending is not totally unexpected, it fits perfectly and is probably one of the best of it's particular horror genre (I don't want to give it away) to come along in a while.