The sequel starts off with a bang, as the lone survivor from the first movie, Marybeth (Danielle Harris of STAKE LAND) comes across a cabin and asks for help from a one-eyed guy. But when she reveals who her father was he kicks her out at shotgun point. They have some shared history and it obviously isn't good. Soon after she leaves the cabin the monster man shows up, rips the intestines out of the guy and strangles him with it. She stumbles into town and goes to a witch doctor, Doctor Zombie (Tony Todd) who tells her a story of her father and how he was one of the ones responsible for the fate of Victor Crowley. A group of hunters accompanies her back there and they, of course, are slain one by one in horrendous ways.
I did enjoy the first movie better, though I did like how this sequel directly continued from it. And it's much gorier!