This ghost story begins with a man using a radio-like machine to communicate with his dead family--but he brings something back, which possesses and then kills him. Then, we're shown a black and white photograph montage over which a voice-over of the mother explains how her family all died, one by one, because of a curse. Another family moves into this house with three teenaged children and we find out the mother who lived in the house before them is still alive when she returns to retrieve a painting of her son. The eighteen-year-old kid, who is living in the dead boy's attic room, starts hearing and seeing things. He meets an odd girl out in the nearby woods and she climbs into his bed that night. She shows him the machine and they summon ghosts but his parents don't believe him. There's a creepy shower scene and the youngest kid crosses the eyes out of her family photograph in order to make the ghost living with her happy. They son and his new girlfriend try the machine again--only this time he becomes possessed and tries to strangle her. They eventually go to the mother/previous owner and ask her about the ghosts--and she screams at them to burn the box. Of course, it's too late.
HAUNT is very much along the lines of THE MESSENGERS, THE CONJURING and INSIDIOUS, though not quite as engaging as any of those previous films. However, there are some decent scares and some impressive special effects. Recommended if you're tired of all the PARANORMAL movies.