Movie Review by The Undertaker
Well, we have one boring, slow paced supernatural story here folks. Not a bad film, it's just very sloowww. Deals mainly with some kind of curse after an Indian woman is sent off into the desert to die. The present day family running an old hotel out in the middle of nowhere is haunted by this curse and their own family secrets. Mostly that deals with crap surrounding the slutty mom, father, & uncle. It amazed me how they could keep a hotel running with only one customer in 4 years! I'm no financial wizard, but it sounds like time to pack it in people. The 2 sons are on the verge of selling the place (thankfully), when a decent looking chick happens to break down and is kind of a lightning rod for the Indian chicks curse. Of course, she actually is the Indian chick as well, she was so lucky to play the dual role here, trust me. At least she pops her top a few times for our viewing pleasure. Need something to help you sleep or laugh? Look here.
Rating: nan out of 10.0 - 0 votes cast total