Movie Review by The Gravedigger
(Cherry Tree Films) During the first ten minutes of viewing this movie I kept on thinking 'Damn, another self-referential BLAIR WITCH ripoff'--BUT as I continued to watch, and the characters became more developed, it quickly transformed into a very captivating and creepy film. I really hated the lawyer at first but writer/director Conrad John managed to pull it off and make him one of the more interesting characters, not an easy thing to do. Two filmmakers videotape the reactions of their friends in a local haunted house--and set up some cheap gags to scare them--but when their makeup man is found dead, his hair turned totally white, events take a more terrifying turn. All chaos breaks loose and the threat of the haunted house becomes very real. The sense of dread is very well created. Highly recommended. Check out www.hauntedhousemovie.net for more info.
Rating: 7.5 out of 10.0 - 8 votes cast total