Movie Review by The Gravedigger
Every so often comes a Full Moon movie I can't complain about and this year it's this little movie. Dr. Lorea, an insane, gotied collector of biological freaks has just acquired his most disgusting specimen-a fetus-like mutant born of toxic waste. When the creatures' rightful owner shows up to reclaim the monster Lorea refuses to give it to him and a fight breaks out. As this is happening the little monster has awakened and has reanimated all of the other freaks in the collection, with the intention of escaping. Yet, to get out of the house they have to get past the two collectors and their henchmen, who still want to capture the vile creatures. Although the monsters are barely a step up from the GHOULIES, Benjamin Carr's (a psuedonym for Matt Walsh) script is off-kilter enough to set this movie apart from the usual shlockfest.
Rating: 4.5 out of 10.0 - 2 votes cast total