Movie Review by The Gravedigger
The premise is that there are these assassins who have been conditioned since they were children to be killers. They all have shaved heads with bar codes on them and all are impassive. One of them (none of them have names, just numbers) is set-up by a Russian president imposter and all the other assassins are trying to kill him. He helps a young woman who is basically the president's whore--and you get the sense that he helps her survive because he sees a kindred spirit in that they were both forced to be what they are. She wants to flee and start a new life, something he probably wants to do but can't.
There are some decent action scenes but because the main character is emotionless there's not a lot of identifying with the characters so you don't get all that involved with the movie.
HITMAN is entertaining but there's nothing memorable about it.
Rating: 5.3 out of 10.0 - 4 votes cast total