Movie Review by The Gravedigger
During the day Aric Blue works at a Mortgage Company. But after hours he has an entirely different line of work-hunting humans! The movie is told from his perspective, using voice-overs and hearing what he's thinking, which is often at odds with how he's behaving at the moment, like when he's talking with co-workers and wishing them dead. He prides himself on not having a pattern, like his prey, always one step ahead of the law and the 'sheep' he's killing. But when he finds one of his soon-to-be victims already slain, with an attached note to him, he starts freaking out-and tries to uncover the hunter that is after him. They start playing a game, of sorts, where they try to out-do each other's killings. But Aric does not want a rival and will go to any means to be top dog. There are lots of twists and turns and the movie's ending successfully brings everything together. Just when you think every thing has been done about serial killers along comes HUNTING HUMANS. Check it out. From MTI Video's REDRUM ENTERTAINMENT Label (www.mtivideo.com).
Rating: 4.4 out of 10.0 - 7 votes cast total