I was under the impression that this flick was going to be based more closely on Isaac Asimov's story, but there were only bits and pieces of it that were 'suggested' by his story. The main idea being that there are 3 basic laws of robotics... they can't hurt humans, they have to do what humans say and they must protect themselves... as long as there is no conflict with the first 2 rules. Of course you know the rules are going to be broken, or else there wouldn't be much story to tell. Plus, you know that with Will Smith being the primary player that the movie will be full of nonsensical action and our budding hero style one-liners. Even with the fresh prince of formulaic movies being on board, I was still able to enjoy this. Aside from his corniness, the acting was not too bad. The special effects were very well done, especially where the robots are concerned. Seeing them mingling seamlessly with the humans was pretty impressive. Again, there were alot of ridiculous things that our hero did to survive (like in any action style film), but we are talking science fiction here... so you have to suspend your disbelief. If you are able to do that and just go with the flow, then this is a ride that you should enjoy.