This is a film created by French director Gaspar Noe. It tells the tale of a 50-year-old man in 1980 who is frustrated and disgusted with life. After abandoning his teenage daughter and leaving Paris, he attempts to live a new life and start over again. His depression and bitterness towards society eventually leads to anger and violence.
Seul contre tous covers the span of various topics, heavily laden with nihilistic philosophical views. The main character addresses his miserable existence by ranting about the upper class and the downtrodden lifestyle of the poor. He also touches base with the reality of parenthood, suicide, vengeance, and murder. The title of this film stems from his belief that he is without friends or loved ones - he is alone in the world. Most of the dialog takes place in the main character's mind via monologue; a self-defeatist and sometimes humorous approach in doing so. His stance on life is hopeless and this remains an issue that most people can relate to. Everyone experiences a dark period during their existence - the levels of severity vary.
"Maggots put on frocks, and they say they come in your name."
The monologue that takes place in the main character's head happens very quickly. It's worth the attention it requires. The conclusion is a little confusing and may require you to reflect on the questions you have after the final act. Suel contre tous is a must-see advant garde film that will either forcibly disgust you or win your praises.