King Hyperion (Mickey Rourke) is pissed off that the Greek Gods failed to save the life of his wife and child. So he goes on a mission to free the Titans from Mount Tartarus. Once free, the Titans will try to destroy their children, the Greek God Pantheon. Zeus chooses his son, Theseus, to lead a fight against Hyperion to stop him from doing this.
The production values are weird. The Greek Gods look like they are participating in a Gay Pride Parade (not that there's anything wrong with that) but it doesn't fit this movie. Any why does everything have the same color palatte, from the buildings to the barren landscape to the body armor? And yes, there is lots of fighting but it's un-involving. Everyone looks the same. Ughh. IMMORTALS is one of the worst movies I've seen in years. If you want to see a much better movie that is about Titans and Greek Gods, then rent out WRATH OF THE TITANS.