It's presumably hundreds of years in the future, though buildings and cars look as they do in our present time. People stop aging at age 25, then are allowed another year. But people can work for extra time and purchase extra time. In fact, the millionaires can potentially live for thousands of years. Will Salas (Justin Timberlake) is just another typical working Joe who is given a gift of a hundred years by a depressed, disillusioned rich guy. This gets him into trouble as the "Time Police", led by Raymond Leon (Cillian Murphy of 28 DAYS LATER) believe he killed the guy for the years. Salas flees to another zone where he meets a young woman--and takes her hostage, though she's pretty much a willing accomplice. So from that point on it's basically a run and chase movie
IN TIME is vaguely like LOGAN'S RUN. The movie could easily have been cut half an hour in length. There's no chemistry whatsoever between the two leads and there's some truly lame dialogue. Basically, it's about "What if Republicans took over the world"? since they'd make it a big pain in the ass for everyone. Not an entertaining movie.